About me:
So instead of going into long paragraphs about my life, I'd thought I'd bullet point 28 (my age) facts about to give you an insight of who I am :)

1: I became vegetarian on the 19th December 2007. I was reading a book called Skinny Bitch and once I'd finished it i attempted to eat a chicken sandwich and just couldn't get it down.  I haven't eaten meat since.

2: I left my little hometown in 2007 to go to uni and I didn't move back. I love going back to see family but I like being independent and prefer the city.

3. I have 5 sisters and 3 brothers. I am the second oldest and Christmas is very expensive haha. I love having a big family and they are so important to me... even more than pizza 😉

4. Following on from 3, I am a pizza fanatic. I could easily eat it every single day. A lot of people prefer pizzas like dominoes and Pizza Hut but I like the big fat greasy pizzas from the takeaway. The more oil the better... oooooof

5. I have 2 jobs. One is full time and the other is self employed. I would love to earn enough in my second job to be able to do it full time. 

6. I can play the clarinet and piano. I haven't played in years and I'd love to get back into it. I might have to get my keyboard from my mum's.

7. I have 2 tattoos, a butterfly on my wrist and some musical notes on my upper back. I'd happily be covered head to toe in tattoos but I just can't afford it. 

8: I lived in Malta for my last year of university. Coming home from exams and sitting by the pool definitely made revision a lot easier. If you can have the chance to do a term or year in a different uni abroad I would highly recommend it.

9. I have a degree in tourism and information technology.

10: When I took a year out of university, I went to Ghana for 3 months to volunteer. I helped build a foundation for a library and I taught the kindergarten class in a school. Best thing I have ever done 

11: I can't drink coffee but I love coffee flavoured things. Coffee truffles oh my

12: I have played the sims for at least 13 years I am obsessed.  I did download sims 4 on my pc but I cant get into it. All about sims free play at the moment for me.  

13: I was once in a performance of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and played a young sad child. However I was looking for family members in the audience, fell over the stage and smashed my face off the floor. Horrific

14: I would love to be a YouTuber. I spend most of my spare time watching YouTube videos and would like to be part of that community but I am so scared of negativity. One day I will upload.

15: Last year I had a breast reduction. As much as I'm really happy about it, I wish I had done it 10 years ago because I feel I spent most of twenties miserable.

16: Following on from the last fact, I haven't really dated anyone in my twenties.  I have a couple of "couple of months relationships" but nothing major. I spent a lot of my twenties constantly being negative about my body and didn't have the confidence to "get out there" I am determined to not let my thirties be like this.

17: The more single I am the more I want a cat (I am a dog person)

18: I would love a chow chow, a pug and a bernese mountain dog.

19: I am a kitchen gadget hoarder including things like a pineapple corer and little tea bag holder to clip on a cup to stop me having to walk to the bin #lazy

20: My flat is right next to the river. I feel so calm by the water. I was brought up on the coast and had the advantage of living within the lake district. I definitely think this is why I love water so much.

21: My favourite film is Toy Story. I could watch it every day. Disney Pixar has a special place in my heart.

22: My favourite song is She will be Loved by Maroon 5. Tap on my window, knock on my door I want to make you feel beautiful. My favourite line.

23: I hate scary films especially torture. I am convinced some people watch them sort of films and think ooh I'll do that... gives me the shivers

24: I love green and fruit tea. Strawberry cupcake green tea and cherry/cinnamon fruit tea are both life

25: When I was younger I tried to act cool and do the limbo under some barbed wire... I now have a rather large scar on my back and feel like a fool

26: It's very rare that I can sleep in my flat without a fan on. Even when it's cold I have to have the fan on.  Apparently my mum used to switch it on to get me to sleep when I was a baby so I can thank her for my huge electric bill.

27: I love Ru Paul's drag race and everything and anything to do with it. If I got the chance to meet Mama Ru I would honestly cry. I heart her.

28: I honestly don't understand how people don't like the Eurovision Song Contest. Me and my mum love it. The aim is to be able to go and watch the Final live. We have tried to get tickets before but they always sell out really quickly.

Bonus fact: my blog name is a play on my actual name and the phrase Be Happy. Yes I know... I am so creative. Haha

Well that's my random about me hope you enjoyed. 

B xx


  1. Really interesting!!! Should totally start YouTube!!


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