How I've lost nearly 4 stone - my journey


So, when I started this blog, I wasn't going to talk about my weight loss as I have a twitter and instagram account for it however it is something that is a big part of my life especially this year so why not?

In march 2016, I found myself at the biggest weight I'd ever been. After being involved in an incident a few years ago I had developed a habit of stuffing my face everytime something scared me or stressed me out. I had also got a new job which was sat behind a desk and then going straight home so there wasn't any exercise involved.
In work we have a bar and it had become one of my best friends. It was far too easy to go and have a drink after work and that "friday" tradition had soon become a "Monday,  Tuesday and so on" tradition.
I looked big, I felt big and I was so unhappy. I'd put on a brave face for work but inside I hated myself. Social events filled me with so much dread. I used to look at my friends and see how confident they were and I was so jealous. Why couldn't I be like that?
Rewind to 3 years ago I had lost 3 stone and felt amazing.  I was the smallest I'd ever been. I was walking 90 minutes a day and going to 2 gym classes. I was also eating really healthily so the weight just dropped off. Inside though I wasn't happy. I absolutely hated my boobs. They were so big and heavy and looked awful without a bra on. I used to always get comments saying "oh i'd love your boobs" or "why would you want to get rid of them" but they didn't understand.

So back to last year. I decided to join slimming world. Every week I was either losing 0.5lb, staying the same or gaining. I didn't understand because I was trying and sometimes I'd even make sure I was going on walks during my breaks in work. I was also really tired all the time so I decided to go to the doctors.
Within 2 weeks I'd had over 12 bloods tests and after a month of more tests and scans it turned out I had fatty liver. This was due to the fact I'd gained 5 stone in a really short space of time and my liver had just given up.
It really shocked me but for some reason it still didn't give me the push to lose any weight.. I started drinking and eating more.

On a spur of the moment day off i decided to go to the bank for a Loan for a breast reduction. Luckily they said yes and I had a consultation booked in that week. I was so excited as i had wanted one for 10 years and I honestly thought I'd get them done right away, it would push me to lose the weight and hey presto happiness!
No, the surgeon took one look at me and said he wanted me to lose 3 stone. The rate I was losing weight I know it would have taken years and I'd already spent most of my 20's in a corner so I knew something had to be done.... but for another month I just kept drinking and eating more...

Last March it was one of  my best friends leaving party and that day in the shop fitting rooms I was miserable. I wanted to cry. Nothing looked nice and if it had been anyone else's party I wouldn't have gone.
I bought the baggiest shirt dress going and hoped for the best. Don't get me wrong It was a great night full of alcohol and I had a laugh but I knew I had to do something.

My mum had mentioned that one of her friends had lost weight doing Cambridge Weight Plan so I began researching it and that night I had text a local consultant and I was booked in for the following Tuesday.

So fast forward 3 months in and I had lost nearly 3 stone. I was feeling fabulous and getting compliments constantly. My breast reduction was booked in for 10th July and 2 weeks later I was back in work on cloud 9. I was a different person.

Unfortunately I couldn't go back on plan for 3 months as my body needed time to heal gradually I piled on a but of weight. It was only 7lbs but I was getting into that head space of not wanting to socialise and do anything.

In September I got back on plan and lost the post surgery weight. I messed around at Christmas and my birthday but got back on it in the new year and currently to date I have lost 3 stone 9lbs! I am determined to get that 4 stone award. Currently sitting in work eating a Lemon bar and looking forward to the months ahead.

Last month I went to the doctors and they were really pleased with my weight loss and currently my liver levels are although still higher than normal, they have a lowered a huge amount yeay!!!

So that was my very long, windy road of a journey.
At the moment I'm feeling great/positive and thinking I could kick ass at anything thrown at me. Looking forward to the future ahead.

Thanks for reading
B xx


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