June/July Favourites 2017

3 months in and I failed to post my June Favourites so i'm posting both June and July together this month. TV: The Handmaid's Tale Source: Google I cannot explain how amazing this programme is. It's so interesting but also scary to think that this could happen in real life. I really want to read the book next so I may have to download the ebook. Praise be. Love Island Source: Google When Love Island started I made the vow to not watch it. I did well for 6 days but I went home to visit family and my sister made me watch one. I was HOOKED. My life was taken over. I used to come home from work and literally just sit and wait for 9pm. Then for an hour after it finished, I would sit on Twitter looking to see what people thought. I honestly don't think I got a decent nights sleep until the day after the whole thing finished. Youtuber: Brogan Tate Mainly July I have spent most evenings coming home from work and watching Brogan Tate's wee...