
Showing posts from July, 2017

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

I don't know about you but has anyone noticed how quick a pot of shop bought hummus goes off? Or how many calories a tbsp of hummus is? Well recently, I have come to realise the answers to these questions and it's not something that is working for me. Both of these together link for me as I am watching my calories therefore cannot have too much of the pot however it seems to go off before I can space out my portions. I know, such a challenge. I decided to look at making my own. I found a really quick easy recipe on the BBC website  which looked easy enough to follow and didn't have too many ingredients I decided to mix the recipe up a bit and change some ingredients to make it my own. Ingredients: 200g tinned of chickpeas, drained 1 tbsp of light tahini Sprinkle of salt 4 grilled peppers from a jar 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp paprika 2 garlic cloves, crushed (I used frozen crushed garlic) 2 tbsp lemon juice, (I used the plastic Jif lemon juice but you can

Transitioning to a Plant-based Diet

It is Time! Source: Google It has been nearly 10 years since I became a vegetarian. I read a book called Skinny Bitch and the next day I stopped eating meat. I've always thought that it was enough until I started watching vegans on YouTube and listened to stories about animal cruelty in the dairy industry.  For the last few years I have sort of ignored this information or put it to the back of my mind. I have always wanted to go vegan but then I'd find every excuse under the sun not to.  "My family wont understand, its not fair on my Nana for me to be so awkward" "It will be too hard, I love cheese too much" "It's too expensive to be vegan" Excuses that so many people have thought of or heard before. Source: Google Thankfully I watched a documentary called What The Health on Netflix which completely changed my opinion on dairy. I also joined lots of vegan Facebook groups and followed lots of vegan/plant-base

The Wild Olive

The Wild Olive  Italian Yummyness 2 weeks ago, I travelled back to the land of Cumbria as I had a few days off work. Although I didn't get to see everyone as my trip got cut short, I did get to visit one of the most delicious restaurants going.  THE WILD OLIVE Isn't it the cutest? This is such a hidden gem, I hadn't heard of it before we went but as soon as I heard the word pizza I was sold.   Instead of rambling about how gorgeous, delicious, yummyness the food was, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.. Menus:   I have to say we are definitely a '3 course family'. There is none of this "just a starter and a main' or 'main and dessert', it's always 3 courses and maybe 4 if the option is available. Starters: Mains Although there is a lot of amazing choices on the menus, there was no doubt in my mind that I was getting pizza. Most people can agree that pizza is lif