May Favourites 2017

May seems to have just come and gone doesn't it?!?! Here are some favourites: Garnier Micellar Oil Infused Cleansing Water: I've always loved the micellar cleaning water by Garnier and recently my skin has become quite dry (I blame weather and air-con). I went into Superdrug and this was on offer so I thought I'd give it a try. It doesn't take off my make up as easily as the other one but it definitely makes my skin a lot smoother and I have seen a big improvement. Oh K! Face Mask: Thanks to my friend Sam (@sabrebeauty) I got to try this face mask this month. To be honest the texture was a little bit too "wet/slimy" for me BUT I noticed results instantly. My skin was really smooth and the next day 3 people asked me if I'd changed my foundation because my skin looked great. Happy days! The Body Shop Shower Gels/Creams: I managed to make all my Christmas body washes/shower gel last until May which I thought was quite impressi...